Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bird Photos

Here are some photos of the new adult birds.  I had put Doc in with Sinny Buns but she was totally not interested in him.  She rejected his advances for a couple of weeks so I put Doc back in the Bachelor cage & got Arthur, who was with Sinny Buns & Zorro originally.  She does let Arthur get close so she may have formed an attachment with him already.  We'll see if eggs come of this pairing.

I am not totally sure about what color to classify them as.  Sinny Buns is a Cinnamon but I'm wondering if she is a very light pied?  Arthur is a Normal Grey, but appears to have some pearling on his back so he may be a pearl also?  Can't wait so see babies to get an idea.

Left Side of Sinny Buns

Right side of Sinny Buns & Arthur back

Another view of Arthur's back.  This pix is a little light, the other is more true to color.

1 comment:

  1. She is prob a straight cinnamon, but he is probably a pearl from the look of him!
