Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Escape Artist

I had to go to Marathon yesterday for a dr appt.  So I did stopped by Home Depot to get something to replace the missing flooring on the newest cage and then did some grocery shopping.  When I got home, I walked out to the street to check the mail before I started unloading the car.

Walking back to the car, my attention was captured by something fluttering in the window of my computer room.  Realizing what it was, I rushed into the house.  Sure enough, there was Doc, desperately trying to get out the window.  I caught him & put him back into the Bachelor cage.  It took a while, but I figured out how he had escaped - one of the small side doors at the top of the cage had somehow gotten open.  Luckily, it was only Doc that escaped.

I snapped the latch on the small door and didn't think about it.  Today, when I got up after my morning nap, lo & behold, who was on top of the Bachelorette cage flirting with Lady Chablis?  Yep. Doc again.  He'd made his escape the same way.  I told myself I'd have to put a zip tie on it, then got busy feeding people so I didn't do it.

After feeding everyone & spraying down the birds, something that was long overdue as last night Sinatra was trying to take a bath under the drip from his water bottle, I went to the couch to lie down for a few minutes.  AGAIN I saw Doc at the small cage after Lady Chablis.  AGAIN I netted him & dumped him in the cage. AGAIN I got distracted and didn't go out to the car to get the zip ties I just bought at Home Depot the day before.

Do you sense a pattern here??

Finally, after catching him for a FOURTH time, I said a bad word, put on shoes & walked out to the car to get the zip ties.  I put one on the door.  Just in time as one of the other boys was investigating the magic door.  Now they can investigate it to their hearts' content.  It is secured by a neon yellow zip tie.  If only Doc doesn't figure out there's an identical door on the other end of the cage.

Doc is such a bad influence.

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